City of Renton Electric Vehicle (REV) Charging Plan
We’re so glad you’re here! The City of Renton is in the process of REVing up its investment in electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure by developing its first ever electric vehicle charging plan. This plan will help us better understand:
- Existing EV charging opportunities in Renton;
- Where to locate and prioritize new EV charging opportunities for public use; and
- Feasibility, barriers, and resources for adding new EV chargers.
This project is funded by a Washington State Department of Commerce Climate Program Early Planning Grant.

Tell us your thoughts!
Help us understand your needs and concerns as they relate to electric vehicle use in Renton by filling out our interactive map and survey below. We welcome your feedback whether you are an EV expert or know very little and whether you live, work, or visit in Renton.

Survey and Interactive Map
Use the interactive map to identify where you'd like to see new charging sites, where you experience issues with current chargers, and/or where there are barriers to charging within the City.
Take the survey to provide feedback on vehicle use, EV charging, and EV priorities/concerns.
We encourage you to fill out both survey and interactive map, but if you prefer to just complete one, feel free to do so.
Types of EV Chargers
Don't know the difference between Level 1, 2, and 3 EV chargers? That's okay, it's confusing! Learn more about each type of charger below.
Level 1 Charger
Level 1 is the slowest way to charge an EV. Level 1 charging uses a common 120-volt household outlet. Every EV or plug-in hybrid can be charged on Level 1 by plugging the charging equipment into a regular wall outlet. It adds between 3 and 5 miles of range per hour. Most EV owners find that Level 2 charging better suits their daily charging needs.

Level 2 Charger
Level 2 charging is the most commonly used level for daily EV charging. Level 2 charging can replenish between 12 and 80 miles of range per hour, depending on the power output of the Level 2 charger, and the vehicle’s maximum charge rate. It charges the vehicle up to 10 times faster than Level 1 charging.

Level 3 Charger (DCFC)
Level 3 charging is the fastest type of charging available and can recharge an EV at a rate of 3 to 20 miles of range per minute. Unlike Level 1 and Level 2 charging that uses alternating current (AC), Level 3 charging uses direct current (DC). Tesla calls their Level 3 chargers Superchargers; others are called DC Fast Chargers.